Arm 熊沙乐研究工程师学术报告通知
报告题目:Is your code correct?
The talk provides an overview of recent public work on verifying the specification and prototype of the Realm Management Monitor (RMM). The RMM is an essential firmware component of Arm Confidential Computing Architecture (Arm CCA), which is a recently announced Confidential Computing technology incorporated in the Armv9-A architecture. The second part of the talk introduces notable research contributions from various scholars in the field of formal verification over the past 20 years.
Shale Xiong is currently a research engineering at Arm, focusing on formal verification and information security. His work involves examining specifications, protocol designs, software implementations, and prototyping verification and validation strategies to enhance their quality and security. He received his PhD degree in Computer Science from Verified Trustworthy Software Specification Group at the Department of Computing, Imperial College, in 2019, and received his Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering from Southwest Jiaotong University, China, in 2014.
关于参加2024年第四届工业自动化、机器人与控制工程国际学术会议(IARCE 2024)的通知
各位研究生同学: 由香港机器人与自动化协会主办、我院承办的2024年第四届工业自动化、机器人与控制工程国际会议(IARCE 2024)将于 2024年11月16日在成都尊悦豪生酒店举行。本次会议邀请了复旦大学、哈工大、西安交大……
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会议名称:2024年第四届数字化社会与智能系统国际学术会议 会议官网 澳大利亚悉尼会场:2024年11月20-22日 中国郑州会场:2024年11月……